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Mehron Fake Squirt Blood

by Mehron
Sold out
$6.00 USD
SKU 150-2

When you need a thinner fake blood, try Mehron's squirt theater blood.

  • Description: Mehron fake squirt blood is a professional theatrical prop blood for stage, screen, video and television. Squirt blood is a water based, not sticky syrup, and is to be used in tubing or appliances for creating blood gush, flow or splatter. Besides theatrical use, Squirt blood is also used by agencies performing disaster drills and emergency medical seminars.
  • Colors: Venous Blood (Darker) and Arterial Blood Red.
  • Size and Coverage: 2 oz. bottle.
  • Suggestions: Product may stain. Pretesting is recommended.

How to use: 

This water based blood may be used in appliances with tubing and a pump bulb to project squirting blood effects. Squirt Blood will run and eventually dry on the skin.

Color: Bright Arterial